About me

Hi, I’m Andrea.

I’m an OCN certified infant sleep consultant and founder of Dream Big Sleep Consultancy, based in Sheffield. I’m also married and mum to Freya and Jude. 

Our first-born, Freya, has always slept like a dream. She slept through the night from three months (yes, I know we were very lucky) and her sleep/routines were very easy. But then came our son, Jude, and we naievly thought he would be the same. How wrong we were! The lack of sleep was debiliting and started to affect our whole family. I felt too tired to focus time on Freya and my relationship with my husband, James, also began to suffer. I genuinely felt like I was never going to have a full night’s sleep again. 

After almost a year of no sleep and my return to work approaching, we sought the help of a sleep consultant. And it was honestly the best decision we ever made. 

It was this experience that led me to leave my career in internal communications and train to become an infant sleep consultant through The Sleep Consultant Academy – which is an industry-leading programme.  

I know how challenging sleep deprivation can be, and how it can affect every part of your life. I also know that every child is unique. That’s why I’m passionate about providing families with bespoke sleep plans and methods that are gentle, modern, and proven – and I never recommend “cry it out”. 

Nothing brings me more joy than helping families who have reached their breaking point with sleep. I’ve been there myself, and I know that with the right support and guidance, you, your little one, and your family can thrive, not just survive.

How I Can Help

This is where you can explain a little about your approach to sleep consultancy, what you do as a sleep consultant, and the reasoning behind this.

Mention your training and background, how long you’ve been a sleep consultant, how many people you’ve helped, etc. Make them want to work with you.

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